Sunday, August 30, 2015

Create Overnight Wealth w/ Applied Cash Flow


Literal Overnight Wealth w/ Applied Cash Flow

We all know Good Subject Lines Create Overnight Wealth...Literally !!! 

And that it’s a real art to prepare a good one for your - > Email Processing Campaigns.

I’ve stumbled upon some statistics that I wish to share with you. 

I have the TOP subject-line words that drive the very best results open-rates for users. 

I will try to keep it short and easy-to-follow.

The TOP words that boost email open rates:
  • secret
  • e-sales
  • awesome
  • skills
  • ebook
  • helpful
  • shipping
The TOP words that boost opens for autoresponder users:
  • posts
  • jobs
  • survey
  • week’s
  • e-newsletter
  • issue
  • digest
I would like to provide you with additional tips on the most successful words to include in your subject lines. I’ve compiled these tips from different sources and I believe this will really boost your email campaigns. Please see below!

1. No Question Marks
If you ask me a question in your subject line, I will answer it in my head and just move on. Maybe I will not delete your email or report spam, but I definitely will not open it.

2. Helpful Words.
We all like words like Improve, Skills, Successful, Better, Tips, Tricks, Techniques. Why? Just because we are curious and we want to become better, smarter and stronger – we always want more information. These words are real boosters.

3. Secrets
We all love secrets, secrets bring the great knowledge. Even if we know everything in the niche we will wait for a secret-content to check what the secret is.

4. No #
This isn’t Twitter. This is an email. 

5. The “&” Sign
This makes your recipients think you have so much awesome content that you need to save space and use “&” instead of “and”. Really!

6. No - Thank you
Just like with the questions in the subject lines. 
If you thank me in your subject line – it’s nice, but I will move on as
I’m already satisfied with your email, without opening it.

So It's always better thank your subscribers... at the end of your email

I personally use email marketing as my primary source of marketing methods.
Leveraging = >Applied  Winning

...with Email marketing 

Produces Massive Daily Cash Flow,

And...a HUGE Monthly Residual Income.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

An Easy $250-500+ / Day w/ Applied Cash Flow


Applied Cash Flow Makes an Easy $250 - $500+

As you know it’s not so easy to find  => A Good Affiliate Marketing Program 

That with just minimal effort ...will create reliable results. 

It’s always hard to make your email laconic, informative and catchy.

That’s why I have prepared 7 steps I use:

 To create an email message that will meet my open-rate and click-through expectations.

1. Organize.
You need to organize your email message for effective presentation. It’s better to mark out your topics and ideas and then detail them. You email message should not be a pile of info, but a structured presentation.
2. Introduce yourself.
You should introduce yourself thereby making it easy for your subscribers to recognize you. 
Here are a few critical points that need attention in introducing your self:
• Your company name in the “from” line
• A clear indication of the content in your subject line
• Your logo, header or other branding at the top of your email
•  Link(s) to your website(s)

3. Make them expect.
You need to make your subscribers expect something good and valuable from you. Intrigue them with a short sentence in the beginning and then provide them with the precious info in the body of the email.
4. Ask questions.
Ask questions in your email – the questions you answer with the help of your product or service. You product must be a solution to a problem, not just a tool. If it solves a problem then it’s a useful product.
5. Be energetic. Make your message sound live and full of energy. It should not be something boring and grey – your message is important, it’s urgent – make it full of energy, and fresh.
6. Gifts / bonuses / extras.
We all like gifts and free-stuff. Always reward your recipient with a little gift, and don’t forget to mention this in your subject line.
7. Let your subscribers speak. 
Run surveys, polls or ask them to reply your messages. People like to feel unique and appreciated – this is a great chance to raise loyalty of your subscribers.

I personally use email marketing as my primary source of marketing methods.
Leveraging = >Applied  Winning

...with Email marketing 

Monday, August 24, 2015

7 Figure Email Marketing Basics - Brian M Hazel


Hi Guys Brian M. Hazel Here,
 I’ve posted many articles about mistakes in email marketing, and from year to year I see that some mistakes are still actual. 
We, -> Email Marketing Specialists, are the ones who develop and push email marketing, if we make such mistakes we just make the email marketing progress slower. 
I’ve prepared a compilation and explanation of 3 email marketing mistakes that most marketers still make.
1.  One message to reach them all. All the people and people of different niches have different needs. If you send the same message to executive/company holder and specialist/employee then one of them receives irrelevant message and offer.
2. Messages with no links. How can you expect some action and output if you don’t provide a recipient with a chance to act? Also, too many links may get your email banned by spam-filters. 1-3 links is enough.
3. Non mobile-friendly messages. No matter how informative and good your message and offer is, if your prospects can’t read it on a smartphone or tablet PC, it’s not going to be read. 
Keep this in mind!

A huge percentage of emails are opened on mobile phones and tablet PCs !

I personally use email marketing as my primary source of marketing methods.
Leveraging = >Applied  Winning

...with Email marketing 

Produces Massive Daily Cash Flow,

And...a HUGE Monthly Residual Income.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Tips to Crush Leaderboards - Brian Hazel


As you know the word 'FREE'  has always been considered a dirty word 

when discussing spam filters. 

Sometimes it  was blamed for totally ruined email campaigns. 

But, is it a mistake to use the term 'FREE' in your email messages...? 

Hubspot has tested this.

They prepared 2 versions of the email message regarding their
new Report they were giving away for free.
1 version: “Free Report” phrase in a subject line + 3 words FREE in the body of the email.

2 version: “SEO Report” phrase in a subject line + no free-word in the body of the email, they used SEO instead.
Deliverability results were as follows:
1 version: passed 7 of 9 filters in Return Path’s SPAM filter check; was delivered to 99.3% of selected recipients.

2 version: passed 8 of 9 filters in Return Path’s SPAM filter check; was delivered to 99.2% of selected recipients.
As you can see, the term 'FREE'  didn’t change a thing,
and the delivery rate is quite the same.
But the 2 version had 17% better click-through rate.
As you can see,
it’s really up to you whether to use the term 'FREE' in your email messages.

Just make sure it really fits your selected audience, and your subscribers will get it the right way.

Click Here to, 

Learn How => I USE Email Marketing To  Dominate Online Income Programs